Lessons in paid advertising

2020 has brought a new way of working and for many it’s meant thinking outside of the box.


Blackpool & The Fylde College has been no exception and with lockdowns, social distancing and tier restrictions in place it needed a new way to showcase its offering and courses without actually welcoming prospective students into the campuses. Say hello to ‘Virtual Open Days’…


A new concept that hadn’t been delivered by the further and higher education college before has since become the norm but to get it in such a place needed a little help from ICG.


The college turned to ICG’s digital marketing team to create online awareness of its upcoming ‘School Leaver Virtual Open Day’ leading to a full social media and PPC campaign that targeted Year 11s, and their parents, in the FY and PR4 postcodes with ads promoting the college as a whole, individual courses as well as the new T-Level qualifications.


Key messages, along with brand creative, were dispersed across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat placements as well as search and display ads on Google and Bing’s paid platforms. 


ICG’s efforts reached an impressive audience of over 175,000 on the social media platforms leading to over 1,000 ad conversions while PPC activity gained over 150,000 impressions that converted to almost 2,000 ad actions.


Gemma Johnson, ICG’s Digital Marketing Executive led the social media element of the campaign and said: “A social media campaign was the perfect fit for this brief considering who Blackpool & The Fylde College were looking to target.


“The ads across the social platforms gained great results and we were able to review and take these findings to run another similar campaign promoting the college’s Maritime Virtual Open Event at its Fleetwood campus.”

To read more about what our digital marketing team has been up to, click here.