Where’s your happy place?

For our last ‘Give Back Friday’ we are donating to the Lancashire Wildlife Trust.


As we reflect on another year hugely impacted by the pandemic, our happy places continue to be extremely important to us – places where we can enjoy the fresh air and be close to nature.


We have also been mindful of the continuing impact of climate change – from unpredictable weather around the world and closer to home to the loss of wildlife and habitats.


Given our work to support Fylde Council’s litter picking volunteers this summer, we were inspired by the Lancashire Wildlife Trust’s Fylde Sand Dunes Project which encourages visitors to the dunes in a way which does not further threaten their existence while letting people know all about the amazing wildlife that lives in this special place.


Julie Hackett was out on St Annes sand dunes to capture the beautiful scenery.



There’s also pictures of our team and their families out and about in the Lake District, the Tolkien Trail in the Ribble Valley, Roddlesworth Reservoir and Brockholes Nature Reserve.


Where’s your happy place?


If you need any more inspiration, the Lancashire Wildlife Trust has lots of great ideas about how to get out and about this winter.