Take five with Tasha

Tell us a little bit about your job? 

I joined ICG almost two months ago. My marketing executive role means I work closely with both the marketing and digital marketing teams. My role is varied which I love, as I get to use different skills for various clients.

If you weren’t a Marketing Executive, what would you be doing?

Marketing was pretty much always what I wanted to do, though briefly I entertained ideas of becoming a journalist or psychologist!

What’s on your desk right now? 

Alongside my notepad and pen, I have my cup of tea, snack and a cactus to add a bit of decor!

“I never let a day go by without…” 

Talking to friends and family.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 

Focus on what you can control and do what you can to make your life easier.

What is an interesting fact about yourself?

My ambition is to write a novel some day so I practise using daily writing prompts.

Name five things you can’t live without?

Friends, family, my phone, a good book, trips away.

Finally, we’re about to put the kettle on, how would you like your brew?

Strong without sugar – why would you want tea-infused milk?