Take five with Jonny

Jonny Gerrard likes his football. A senior designer with the Lake District on his doorstep, Jonny gives us the inside story.


Tell us a little bit about your job?
I started with ICG last Spring and since then I’ve worked with many different clients. As a designer, it’s always great to work on a project that starts from scratch – I came up with the first brand identity for the Scottish Racing Academy. You’ll also find me working on Gexcon, VGC and Huntapac Produce.


If you weren’t a designer what would you be doing? 
Good question! Working with animals or a marine biologist.


What’s on your desk right now? 
Pads, pens, proofs and a few coffee stains (ahem!)


I never let a day go by without…” 
Giving my three kids a kiss and a cuddle


What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Never give up


What is an interesting fact about yourself? 
I’m a part-time coach for Halton Juniors FC


Name five things you can’t live without? 
Family and friends, football, coffee, a drill (reluctant DIY-er), bacon and sausage butty with a hash brown on the side.


Finally, we’re about to put the kettle on, how would you like your brew? 
Coffee two sugars please (preferably ground but instant will do…)