Pack your bags, Lakeside Village is on a journey around the globe this summer and taking shoppers along for the trip.
How big is too big for Google?
ICG client EPSL Educational Printing enjoyed significant growth in sales after a targeted PPC campaign delivered strong results during one of its busiest periods.
Ever wondered what a creative director's week looks like? Our Simon tells all in this piece that was featured on Prolific North...
In the last few years the web has seen a big shift from desktop to mobile resulting in a large number of online searches launched via mobile devices.
Capturing the imagination of the legal community was the task facing City Legal Translations ahead of its debut at Legalex 2017.
Is it a bird? It is a plane? No, it's our Sarah and Nicola skydiving from 15,000ft!
We love it when a plan comes together, especially when it involves not one, but two of our clients and our full range of services here at ICG.
Who doesn't love being told to go wild when it comes to creativity?
For most people it’s a childhood dream to get a Guinness World Record, but for Simon Couchman, ICG’s Creative Director, it’s most certainly reality!
Windy Harbour Barn,
Harbour Lane, Warton, Preston,
Lancashire PR4 1YB
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