Insight into managing stress in the workplace

In today’s busy, ‘always connected’ world it is easy for people to become overwhelmed. 


Pressures at work, a busy home and social life and financial commitments often means people can easily start to experience the signs of poor mental health.


The average person spends around a third of their life at work and just last month the World Health Organisation stated that negative work environments can lead to both physical and mental health problems.


Here at ICG, we’re fortunate to work in a great, creative environment with break out areas, leisure activities and outdoor facilities for staff to enjoy.


The ping pong table – which also doubles up as a pool table – is popular at lunchtime and our new garden room-cum-conference-call space is also a great place for a spot of midday yoga!


So, when it came to celebrating our 25thanniversary we staged a fun 25-hour continuous fitness challenge to raise money for Lancashire Mind – our chosen charity following a staff ballot.


The event was a great success, which has so far raised over £2600, and as a special thank you, Lancashire Mind charity offered to hold an office stress busting session for us – one of their new services which has been designed to help people identify, acknowledge and manage stress.


The session focused on the differences between how people manage pressure and experience stress.


A group games session was designed to simulate how people can feel when there is too much going on.


Teams identified their thoughts, feelings and physical symptoms of stress before they were taken through several exercises to help manage their emotions and calm their mind. 


Joint managing directors, Peter and Simon, said: “We have got a fantastic team here at ICG and we’re proud to offer a really welcoming working environment. 


“Our close knit team and open door policy means staff know there is always someone there if they need to talk.


“Taking part in the stress buster session was really interesting and everyone got something useful from it.” 


For more information visit Lancashire Mind’s dedicated workplace wellbeing website here: