It’s Good to be Back

It’s been over 100 days since the team were all together at Windy Harbour Barn, the home of ICG. Since then, we’ve been dispersed around Lancashire working from home, with online calls and group chats aplenty.


ICG supported clients in a wide variety of ways during lockdown, from launching new websites, providing vital communications and helping with preparations as restrictions eased – supplying communications for clients across many different industries to reassure and advise their customers.


We even won our first virtual award – Global Integrated Digital Agency of the Year (Small) as part of the inaugural Global Digital Excellence Awards. The Virtual awards celebrated and rewarded exceptional digital campaigns, businesses and talent despite the unprecedented and challenging times.


Now, staff are now packing away their home offices and returning to our converted barn and, while there may be more challenges ahead, the team spirit remains strong and upbeat. 


You’ll be able to phone us on our office number and be greeted by our office manager Bekki’s familiar voice, and even relish in a little of the office hustle and bustle in the background. 


The working week for some of ICG’s staff will still be divided between the workplace and home, with some staff working split days and reduced hours. We’ve implemented social distancing measures and a ‘return to work’ code of conduct has been issued to all staff.


Joint Managing Director, Simon Couchman, comments: “Through all the disruption these past few months, our teams have never failed to deliver with no deadlines missed, impressive results achieved and clients fully supported.


“With staff juggling complex projects such as website builds with home schooling and digital marketing campaigns being created on the kitchen table, it has certainly been a challenging time.


“Being named Global Integrated Digital Agency of the Year (Small) is testament to all the hard work the team has put in.”