Breaking down fear and making work fun

“Breaking down fear and making work fun”


Those were the words of the Director of Choice Hotels, Eddie Nelder at The Cliffs Hotel in Blackpool talking about taking on young people and training them in the hospitality sector.


Eddie was among the speakers at the latest event hosted by the Fylde Responsible Business Network.


He was sharing his experience of getting young people into work placements – helping them understand the rules of the workplace but also how it can be fun too. When he took on 72 young people on work placement, the guests loved it!


The focus of the networking event was on an area of Blackpool called Claremont – an area with many challenges including a young transient population, low life expectancy, mental health problems and deprivation.


We heard the personal stories of people who had experienced trauma in their lives and were getting help on a journey into employment.


The Fylde Coast Responsible Business Network is about bringing businesses and communities together. As a business ICG is helping spread the word and we are also looking at how we can give back to local communities too.


Many of our clients talk extensively about their corporate social responsibility strategies – what they are doing to support employment opportunities.


The Fylde Responsible Business Network needs the support of bigger employers to achieve its goals – by everyone playing their part, no matter how small, it means a better place to live and work for us all.