And the winner is…

*Drum roll*


We won’t keep you in suspense! ICG is delighted to announce we came away winners of Prolific North’s Northern Marketing Awards for Best Small Agency (up to 30 employees) at last night’s event held at Manchester’s Hilton Hotel.


The awards celebrate the excellence and achievements of the northern marketing industry – and we couldn’t be prouder to be recognised as the Best Small Agency.


Simon Couchman, ICG’s Creative Director said: “Winning this award is one of the highlights of 2018, we’ve had a great year of client wins, new staff joining the ICG family and this is an amazing achievement for the all of team. ICG turns 25 next year and this award starts the celebrations early.”


This makes two award wins for ICG this month, having collected the Active Workplace of the Year 2018 accolade at Fylde Council’s Sports Awards.


Picture: ICG’s Head of Digital Dave Mallalieu, Senior Designer Sarah Southworth and Account Manager Rebecca Oliver.